Sunday, June 5, 2011


Well, considering this journey has begun to stretch into the second calendar day, it might be time for another posting. Plus, I’m slightly bored right now and I’m trying to conserve the battery some, so this is about the only thing I can do. At least I’m starting off on a good note with this blog. (Note: I’m actually typing all these posts on a word document right now, so you’ll have to use your imagination a little as you read them).

Even though it’s only been 24 hours since Katie and I said goodbye, it feels like such a long time ago. I can’t wait to fire up Skype when we get there and see her face again. That was such a relief last year when I saw her.

Honestly, I’m struggling quite a bit with coming to terms with this deployment. There’s not really one issue, probably just a combination of the length, timing and the memories that are still lingering from the last one. Katie made a really good and motivating point in her “farewell letter.” She said that I should make the best of the situation and I can either choose to take this time to learn more and practice what I have learned or just wait for it to be over by sitting and letting the time pass. That’s basically what I needed to hear right now and it was such an encouragement and reinvigorating comment. Have I mentioned recently what an awesome wife I have?

So far we have stopped in Gander, Newfoundland and Shannon, Ireland. I’ve already been to Gander so it wasn’t really anything new, but I was very impressed with Ireland. It was really green (obviously) and quaint-looking. Definitely worth a trip at some point in the future when we can travel on our own terms. Only one more stop between here and the desert, so I’m stopping every so often to look out the window and soak in the colorful landscape. I am, however, having a hard time trying to keep my eyes open. A nap is probably in order at this time. 

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